am Klinikum & Medizinischer Fakultät
Carl Zeiss-Stiftung Junior Group Leader for in vitro immunoengineering (f/m/d)

The µOrgano Lab focusses on the development and application of microfluidic platforms that mimic the physiological microenvironment of cells and tissues. These Organ-on-Chip models can be used to answer a wide range of medical, biological, pharmacological and toxicological questions without having to use laboratory animals. Previously, the µOrgano Lab has developed a variety of Cancer-on-Chip and Lymphoid-tissue-on-Chip models that will serve as a basis for the ImmuneMPS project, a large Multi-PI collaboration funded by the Carl Zeiss-Stiftung. The ImmuneMPS project aims to develop human models of the immune system to advance cancer research and vaccine development. By using microphysiological systems such as organ-on-chip and organoid models, complex biological processes are to be simulated outside the body. These models help scientists to better understand the interactions between cancer and immune cells and to develop personalized therapeutic approaches. The project brings together experts from various disciplines and aims to contribute to an improved research landscape in immunology, immuno-oncology, vaccine research and infection biology. The Carl Zeiss Junior Group will play a crucial role in this collaborative effort and will focus on developing and applying complex bioengineered models of lymphoid tissues.
Your tasks:
The development and application of Organ-on-Chip models requires an interdisciplinary training and mindset. The scope of work includes
- Leading a research group at the interface of immunology and tissue engineering
- Developing next generation in vitro models of lymphoid tissues
- Supervising and mentoring PhD, MSc and BSc students
- Acquisition of third-party funds
- Writing research papers and communicating research results
Your skills:
- Comprehensive experimental and theoretical background in bioengineering and immunology
- Excellent track record in relevant research with international visibility
- Experience with managing research projects and mentoring students PhD and optional experience as postdoctoral researcher
- Ability to work in interdisciplinary and international research environments
- Willingness to engage in interdisciplinary research activities (life science and engineering)
- Very good knowledge of English as well as a structured, independent way of working
Your benefits:
- Working within an multidisciplinary project and a highly innovative research topic
- The opportunity to work in an exciting collaboration at the interface of basic research and clinical translation
- Highly motivated, competent, and multidisciplinary team with scientific and technical staff members
- Excellent technical equipment and laboratory infrastructure
- Work-life balance through flexible working hours
- Staff events and excursions
Prof. Peter Loskill
07071 29-73667
Closing date for applications:
including CV and cover letter under specification of the index number 5732.

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